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Year 6

Hello and welcome to the Year 6 page. 

If you could not attend the SATs information meeting (17th January), please find the Powerpoint below.

If you would like to know more about the curriculum to understand the skills and knowledge your children will be learning then please click on the link below

The Class Dojo messaging system will be replacing the year group emails.  However, as we are transitioning to this new system, you may experience some complications, so please do not hesitate to message us on the Year 6 email listed below.

Email Address:

SATs Information Meeting

Meet the Teacher

Welcome to Year 6! - we do hope that your child has a successful year.

Please use the Class Dojo messaging system if you would like to communicate with your child's class teacher.  The office can help you with a code for your Class Dojo login should you need it.

Please see the links and subpages below for relevant work for your child.


Mr Saunders - Year 6 Lead / 6MS Teacher

Mr Tatham - Teacher 6TT

Mrs Rayner - Teacher 6SR

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lamparelli - Teaching Assistant

Year 6 Homework 2022 - 2023

In year 6 we expect the children to do the following home learning:-

  • Read every night for at least 20 minutes
  • Log onto and use TT Rockstars for a minimum of 15 minutes a week
  • Complete all Spelling Shed homework

Children may be given "one off homeworks" - e.g. "Find out about light and rainbows"

By the end of year 4 - children are expected to know all their times tables so if this is not the case please access TT Rockstars far more than the suggested time!

Some children might be given handwriting homework if required.

To help a child reach the expected standard in English and maths at the end of year 6, the minimum requirement is to be able to read fluently and know their time tables - daily home reading and times tables practice at home will help enormously - they will then find the May "SATS" tests more manageable...

Does your child know times tables inverses?

Many children know...

8 x 9 = 72

do they know...

How many 8's in 72?

Home Reading and Accelerated Reader

From 08.30 to 9.00 am children read silently and usually individually in class. When they have completed a book - EG Fantastic Mr Fox, they have to take a test on this book to establish how accurately they have read it.

Children gain points for correct answers and this contributes to their accelerated reader score. Each child has an individual target of points to reach each half term...

Children can only do accelerated reader tests at school.

Teachers are able to monitor who is reading regularly, both at home and school, by the number of points they have amassed...Any child significantly behind with their reading will be given extra support at play and lunchtimes.

Reading at home, to an adult, is one of the most effective pieces of homework a primary school child can do.

By the end of year 6, children are expected to be able to spell all of the words listed below

Online Dictionary
This provides a really simple definition for words and allows children to get a better understanding of the word in context. It's brilliant for accessing the unknown words identified in the weekly reading.