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Archived Plans

On Friday 18th February, please log in to our Zoom meeting at 9am. The details will be available on email and on Marvellous Me.

Lessons are detailed below.

If you need to contact us during the day, please do so on the email address at the top of this page.

Morning lessons


Please take part in the lesson here.  Pause the video when you are asked to and carry out any tasks by writing them neatly on paper.


Please complete both lessons here and here.


Please complete the lesson here on the 7 times table.

Then, play 15 minutes on TT Rockstars.  If you can, do a soundcheck so we can see your progress.

Afternoon lesson


Look at the images of Tudor palaces below.  Imagine that you are Henry VIII and you want to design a new palace and sketch it.  Try to think what kind of features a king like Henry might like.

Golden Time
