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Term 5 (Summer 1)


We will cover four units in Maths this term. They will be: Money, FractionsTime and Position & Direction. In Year 2 we follow the NCETM Curriculum Map. More information on this can be found here: NCETM Curriculum Map

Pupils will also undertake Mastering Number sessions four times a week with their class teacher. These sessions focus on subitising, numerical composition and some addition and subtraction facts. 


Our literary theme this term is ‘Fictional Worlds and Fantasy’.

The first book we will look at is Ocean Meets Sky by The Fan Brothers. This beautiful and poignant story has stunning illustrations throughout and explores themes of family, memory and loss. The unit begins by introducing the authors to the children and highlighting the power of bookmaking/storytelling. Children find a mysterious box in the classroom labelled “Grandpa’s Stuff”. Inside they will find clues to who Grandpa was and his relationship with the main character, Finn. Finn misses his Grandfather after he has passed away and longs to travel to the fantastical worlds that his Grandpa would tell him about in his stories. Children are given a variety of meaningful writing opportunities throughout the sequence and gradually build up the skills to write an extended fantasy story of their own.

Our second text is The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward. The children are initially engaged by noticing a dragon tail and then by going on a dragon hunt across the school. Children then create a guide, exploring descriptive and positional language. They engage with the main character in the story’s thoughts and emotions through letter writing.

Little Wandle (Phonics & Spelling)

Pupils will continue the Little Wandle Year 2 Spelling scheme. Those that require further phonics teaching will recap gaps in their phonic knowledge instead.

Below shows the spelling rules we will cover this term, as well as our 'prickly spellings' and homophones we will teach.


We will also continue the Little Wandle reading groups which will run 3 times a week. TheseBig Cat for Little Wandle Fluency: Levels 1 to 10 Complete Set sessions will focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension. At the end of the week, pupils will bring home the book they have been reading to share with those at home. Home reading should be an opportunity for your child to show you the skills they have learnt in their Reading sessions that week.

Many pupils will now be reading books from the Little Wandle Fluency scheme - longer chapter books which stretch our pupils knowledge of vocabulary and extend their weekly 'reading miles'. These books are a perfect stepping stone which build on the previous scheme used whilst preparing our pupils for reading longer books in KS2.


Our Geography topic this term is Around the World. In this topic pupils will familiarise with the continents and taker a closer look at some different countries and cultures. They will compare these countries to the UK, looking at climate, population and cultural differences.

Reading and Understanding Your World Globe: All You Need to Know



Our Science topic this term is Plants. The pupils will be learning about the different parts of plants and their functions. We will be looking at what plants need to survive and thrive. We will be working scientifically by conducting an experiment where plants are grown in the classroom with some being denied light or water. Pupils will compare this to a controlled example and see how this impacts a plants growth.


Parts of Plants


In Art this term our topic is 3D Art. Through this topic, pupils will be looking in depth at the artist Andrew Goldsworthy. This topic will allow them to create their own 3D art outside making the most of our school grounds (and hopefully the sunshine!).


Religion & Worldviews

In our R&W topic this term, we will focus on XXXXXXXXXXX and answer the question “XXXXXXXXXXX?”



In PSHE our topic is XXXXXXXXXXXX. Through this topic pupils will ......



This term our PE days are:






On these days can your child please come to school wearing their PE kit.


Our PE focusses for the term are XXXXXXX and XXXXXXX


Knowledge Organisers

Please find below the Knowledge Organisers for this term's learning which include subject specific vocabulary and key concepts that our pupils will study.