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Writing - Page Updating


At Talbot Primary School we are very proud of our successful Writing outcomes and believe that this achievement is down to our broad and engaging Writing Curriculum. At our school we believe that exceptional writing begins with inspirational texts - this is reflected in our 'Reading into Writing' approach. All Year Groups have selected a range of high-quality texts which motivate and inspire our pupils' journey into writing. Our pupils become critical readers and acquire an authorial style as they encounter a wide-range of significant authors through a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. 

English is taught in three week units where pupils will engage with a focus text and then write in response to it. In each lesson, pupils will be guided by their teacher in developing or revisiting the skills they need as writers. Pupils then have the opportunity to rehearse these skills. At the end of the unit, pupils will then complete a piece of independent writing in which they implement the skills they have been taught. Once their independent writing is completed, it is assessed by their teacher who will then conference with the pupil to determine their next steps and supporting them with spelling.

Over the course of their time at our school, pupils will write in a range of styles including: booklets, newspaper reports, letters, diary entries, stories and poems.