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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

If you need to contact your child's teacher, please do so via the Class Dojo App.

Teachers will only be able to respond to messages between 8am and 5pm.

We will always aim to respond as quickly as possible.


Transition Fortnight Timestables

When we return to school in September, we will have a two-week transition and induction for everyone, before the full daily learning timetable begins in Week 3. Our focus will be on helping the children adjust to their new classes through various activities in art, design, PSHE, literacy, and maths. The work they create during this period will be used to decorate our learning environments and will aid their adjustments to new classes and routines.

Below is the transition fortnight timetable for Week 1 and Week 2.

Transition Fortnight: Week 1

Transition Fortnight: Week 2


Welcome to Year 4,

Our year group provides a safe and exciting learning environment, where children enjoy a new and insightful learning journey every half term. In Year 4, we encourage children to always try their best and support them in their journey for knowledge. 

On this page you will be able to find out more about what we are doing this term as well as access links to support with home learning and the wider curriculum. 

Thank you,

The Year 4 Team

Year 4


Mr Brown - Year Lead / 4PB Teacher

Miss Pollock - 4CP

Mr Johnstone - 4JH 

Mrs Hughes 4JH 

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Armitage -
Teaching Assistant / Lead First Aider


In Maths this term, we will continue exploring our unit on fractions where we will be looking at tenths and hundredths and will be learning how to work out quantities of amounts. We will also start to explore decimals where we will be looking to recognise tenths represented as decimals. 

Year 4 will also continue to spend time learning their times tables. This term, we will especially be focusing on our 11 times tables.



In English this term, our theme is 'Exploration and Discovery'.

We will be reading some fantastic books around this theme such as 'The Polar Bear Explorer's Club' and 'The Matchbox Diary' where the children will learn all about emigration in America and friendship. They will have the opportunity to write their own diary entries and practise their non-chronological report writing skills.



This term in History, we will be learning all about smugglers and how they operated in Poole. We will have a chance to go on a trip around the local area to see some of the locations that smugglers had a significant impact on, while we consider the famous smuggler 'Isaac Gulliver' and why people turned to smuggling due to taxation. At the end of this unit, the children should be able to explain why some people saw smugglers as heroes rather than villains.  



In Science this term, Year 4 will learn all about how sound is made through different vibrations and about how things like volume and pitch can be changed in a variety of different ways. We will explore how different musical instruments from around the world use vibrations to create sound, but also learn about patterns between the volume and pitch of sounds as well. 



This term in DT, Year 4 will be learning about structures and how to create a 3D shape. It's a very exciting and practical unit full of exploration, where the children will have the opportunity to create their own 3D structure to 'smuggle' an item, thinking about our History topic of 'Smugglers'.



In PE this term, the children will start a new unit on Tennis. This topic will develop lots of different skills in the children such as racket control, underarm throwing and catching and forehand/backhand strokes. By the end of the unit, the children will develop a good understanding of the rules of Tennis and be able to collaborate and work well with their teammates. 


Religion and Worldviews 

This term in Religion and Worldviews, Year 4 will learn all about Humanism. This is a philosophical approach that encourages people to think about how to do good in the world without necessarily believing in a god. 


PSHCE (Jigsaw)

In PSHCE this term, we will be learning about relationships. We will consider lots of different types of relationships, such as with animals and family members and will learn about how to cope with love, loss and memories. 




Homework expectations are:

Maths: Pupils are expected to complete 15 games on TTRockstars each week. These are set each Friday morning and should be completed by the following Friday morning.

Spelling Shed: Pupils are expected to complete 15 games on Spelling Shed each week.