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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

If you need to contact your child's teacher, please do so via the Class Dojo App. Teachers will only be able to respond to messages between 8am and 5pm. We will always aim to respond as quickly as possible.

Welcome to Year 6! 

Although this is the final year of primary education, it is the most fantastic year yet! It provides children with the opportunity to showcase their educational talents, experience residential activities and plays and importantly, continue to develop life skills ready for the next stage of their education journey.

Transtition Fortnight Timetables

When we return to school in September, we will have a two-week transition and induction for everyone, before the full daily learning timetable begins in Week 3. Our focus will be on helping the children adjust to their new classes through various activities in art, design, PSHE, literacy, and maths. The work they create during this period will be used to decorate our learning environments and will aid their adjustments to new classes and routines.

Transition Fortnight: Week 1

Transition Fortnight: Week 2